Steve’s first job in education, before he became a school psychologist, was as a driver’s education teacher. Then Steve had a wonderful opportunity to study school psychology and work at the university, so he followed that path.
Steve started his career as a school psychologist in a district with a large ELL population. There he realized how little he had learned about language learners prior to this experience. Over the years, he completed graduate work in ELL studies, eventually creating the ELL Critical Data Process. As of writing this, Steve has trained over 20,000 educators on the process across most states and guests from other countries.
Steve and Ushani have six books for sale on Their first book, The ELL Critical Data Process- Third Edition, is a resource for learning professionals for determining whether more interventions are needed or if a special education referral is a reasonable option. Their second book, Evaluating ELL Students for the Possibility of Special Education Qualification focuses on the special education evaluation process for language learners and how to potentially achieve appropriate identification rates. Their third book, Special Education Referral or Not, is about using a matrix based approach with non-language learners. Their fourth book, ELL Teachers and Special Education, is a self-study or group study for ELL teachers to learn more about special education. Their fifth book, Processing Perspective, Examining Beliefs, Biases and Reality Through Stories, is a book that uses educator stories to help people see different perspectives and analyze the lens we each look through to view the world. Their sixth book, Lessons Learned While Evaluating ELL Students for Potential Special Education Qualification focuses on the educator and student during the process of the evaluation.
Steve is a Past President of the Washington State Association of School Psychologists.
Ushani is a writer, artist and trainer who has worked for major corporations as a training manager. Ushani has been instrumental in the writing of our books, working diligently to ensure that the writing speaks to a wider audience.
Steve and Ushani have six books for sale on The first book, The ELL Critical Data Process – 3rd Edition, is a resource for learning professionals for determining whether more interventions are needed or if a special education referral is a reasonable option. Their second book, Evaluating ELL Students for the Possibility of Special Education Qualification went into print in September of 2015, and focuses on the special education evaluation process for language learners and how to potentially achieve appropriate identification rates. Their third book, Special Education Referral or Not, is about using a matrix-based approach with non-language learners. Their fourth book, ELL Teachers and Special Education, is a self-study or group study course for ELL teachers to learn more about special education. Their fifth book, Processing Perspectives: Examining Beliefs, Biases, and Reality Through Stories is a collection of educator stories and reflections that helps the reader see another way to look at an issue. Their sixth book, Lessons Learned While Evaluating ELL Students for Potential Special Education Qualification focuses on the educator and student during the process of the evaluation